produção, transformação
e comércio de vinhos s.a.
Quinta do loureiro – loureiro
5050 – 315 loureiro prg
Tlf: 254321821
The “DOUROCAVES – PRODUÇÃO, TRANSFORMAÇÃO E COMÉRCIO DE VINHOS, S.A.” was established in 1992 and is located at Loureiro, Peso da Régua, in the heart of Douro Region.
Innitially, the strategy was focused on Port Wine production which was marketed to the main international exporters. Amongst them we can mention Gran Cruz, Symington, Taylor’s, Porto Poças, Wiese &Krohn, and Soc. Vinhos Borges. More recently, Dourocaves strategy has been changed and complemented with table wine production. Current situation is now split nearly 50/50 PORT WINE / Table Wine between Port Wine production and table wine production.
Annual average production is in the order of 1.500 barrels of PORT WINE plus 1.500 barrels of table wine.
DOUROCAVES storage capacity is 2.242.500 liters which includes 180.000 liters of inox tanks. Bottles are filled in a modern filling line both for 0,75 liters and 0,06 liters.
Dourocaves has been recognized and has received several awards in some of the most specialized national and worldwide contests, namely the WMC, at Estoril, the IWC – International Wine Challenge of London and the CMB – World-wide Contest of Brussels, as well as several references and recommendations in magazines of the specialty.